„12thMemoRise“ Young Muslims against violence and terror Screening Night „Visa Por l´Image“ in Perpignan
It is often said: Muslims do not distance themselves from terror. A group of young Muslims from Düsseldorf Germany does just that, and does it sharply and provocatively: „12thMemoRise“ realizes spectacular performance actions in pedestrian zones, their educational videos circulate among young Muslims with high frequency
Screening_VISA Por l´Image_Frank_Schultze from Frank Schultze on Vimeo.
Anlässlich des hundertsten Jahrestages des Völkermordes an den Armeniern initiierten die Dresdner Sinfoniker gemeinsam mit dem Gitarristen Marc Sinan das Konzertprojekt aghet – ağıt, mit großem Erfolg unter Anderen bei einer Konzertreise am 10. November 2016 nach Jerewan in der Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall. Gewidmet ist aghet – ağıt Marc Sinans Großmutter Vahide, einer Überlebenden des Genozids.
„Blinddate“ in the football stadium
Two professional reporters comment on the soccer match of the press box out. The blind fans of the fan club “blind date” sitting with radio headphones fitted on their seats and sympathize with their players on the pitch.
Blinddate in the football stadium from Frank Schultze on Vimeo.
Shoot to score, not to kill
A Photoreportage about HODI, „Horn of Africa Development Initiative“ in Marsabit North Kenia
Shoot to Score Not to Kill. from Frank Schultze on Vimeo.
Alzheimer Dance Café Berlin
This café is different than others. It brings humans to speaking, who say otherwise no word. It lets rise, who sits or lies only. The music makes the hearts easy and gives to their impact a direction.